Dear journal.
I am elsewhere now, and elsewhere is LOVEly. There are feelings, happiness, love. I have also discovered something beautiful: music. I am in a family, a proper family. And Gabe likes it here too. I will tell you how I got to this great place. I left at midnight whilst no-one was out. I HAD to take Gabe, the newborn who I had cared for that was going to be released the next day. The giver didn’t come. He was going to stay and help. We left on bicycle. There were many search planes, but they were easy to hide from. We travelled for days on end. We started seeing birds, and hills, and weather. Just as we were about to die we made it. We got here, elsewhere. A family adopted Gabe and I. Things are much different here, much, much different. But much better. I have good friends now. And my past is fading away, almost gone.